If you are looking for different German dumpling recipes, then try my recipe for dumplings below. If you have any leftover German bread dumplings then you can make a tasty meal with them for the following day.
You will need:
Cold dumplings cut into slices
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
Salt or sugar and cinnamon
Melt the butter in a frying pan and then fry the bread dumpling slices on both sides until golden brown.
Beat the eggs and then pour over the fried dumplings and leave to cook until firm to touch. You can either season with salt or if you prefer a sweet version; with sugar and cinnamon. With the sweet version you can serve fruit compote. With the salty version a salad is normally served.
Cut leftover German bread dumplings into slices. Pour 1 cup of watered down vinegar over the dumplings. Cut an onion into rings and place over the dumplings. Leave to stand so the vinegar soaks in! Lastly mix in 2 dessert spoons of oil.
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Zachary - USA
Tremendous website. I lived in Germany for almost 14 years. Your recipes have me excited about getting back into German cooking. Thanks so much!
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